self improvement

Ready for a Refresh? Spring Cleaning (for Your Life)

Ready for a Refresh? Spring Cleaning (for Your Life)

Let's take some of the best parts of spring cleaning and apply them to our life, shall we? The turn of the season and weather is the perfect time to jump into action with a newfound positive attitude (and hour of daylight). Here are some tiny tips to refresh your routine and live the life you want to be living without having to exert too much effort.

How to Be The Best Version of Yourself According to Liz Gilbert

How to Be The Best Version of Yourself According to Liz Gilbert

If you’re one of the many people who find yourself claiming you want one thing, but behaving in a manner that directly defies those desires, you’re not alone. But it’s also time to look in the mirror and ask yourself - what are you willing to give up in order to have the life you keep pretending you want? In a recent talk, Liz Gilbert points to the one question to ask yourself when you’re ready to be the best you.

Re-wire Your Idiot Brain with This Productivity Tool & Habit Former

Re-wire Your Idiot Brain with This Productivity Tool & Habit Former

This isn’t an ad. This isn’t sponsored. This is a love letter to Self Journal for truly transforming my day to day life. I’m always skeptical of productivity tools and despise over planning, but I needed some sort of structure in my life. Self Journal will help you be more productive or your money back! Kidding plz don’t trust me. Go for it - your goals have been waiting for like, ever.